Staff Directory


Greg Christy bio photo
Greg Christy

Council of Presidents Chair

Devin Smith bio photo
Devin Smith

AD/Steering Committee Chair

Brent Royuk bio photo
Brent Royuk

FAR/General Assembly President

Byron Noordewier bio photo
Byron Noordewier

Eligibility Chair

Andy Bernatow bio photo
Andy Bernatow

Conduct and Ethics Chair

Officials Assigners

Sean Johnston bio photo
Sean Johnston

Football Officials Coordinator

Tyler Soyer Jason Francois bio photo
Tyler Soyer Jason Francois

Soccer Officials Coordinators

Jean Ellis bio photo
Jean Ellis

Volleyball Officials Coordinator

Zac Brost bio photo
Zac Brost

W Basketball Officials Coordinator

Brooks Wells bio photo
Brooks Wells

M Basketball Officials Coordinator

Clark Conover bio photo
Clark Conover

Wrestling Officials Coordinator

Jim Bewley bio photo
Jim Bewley

Softball Umpires Coordinator

Sean Johnston bio photo
Sean Johnston

Baseball Umpires Coordinator