About the Great Plains Athletic Conference
Welcome to the GPAC website! The membership of the Great Plains Athletic Conference
The GPAC is extremely proud of our athletic accomplishments, but we are also pleased that annually our league boasts over 700 NAIA Scholar-Athletes. Our student athletes work very hard to balance academics with athletics and this is a testament to the administrators, faculty, and coaches in the league. 2024-25 marks our 25th year as the Great Plains Athletic Conference, with the league founded originally as the Nebraska-Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (NIAC) in 1969.
Thank you again for taking the time to visit our website, please visit often, and thank you for supporting the more than 6,500 student-athletes in the GPAC!
Click Here to Learn More About GPAC Commissioner Corey Westra
The History of the Great Plains Athletic Conference...
The Great Plains Athletic Conference (GPAC) is an affiliated conference of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), consisting of 12 private, faith-based colleges and universities in Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota. Originally f
ounded in 1969 as the Nebraska Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (NIAC), the league retains four of the six charter members - Concordia, Doane, Hastings, and Midland.
In 1992, the NIAC added Northwestern and became the Nebraska-Iowa Athletic Conference. Eight years later, Dakota Wesleyan, Dordt, Mount Marty and Sioux Falls joined the conference which became the Great Plains Athletic Conference (GPAC) in 2000-2001. Briar Cliff entered the league in 2002-2003 and Morningside joined starting with the 2003-2004 school year. In the summer of 2010 Dana College ceased operations (Member from 1969-2010) and in 2011 The University of Sioux Falls discontinued membership in the GPAC (Member from 2000-2011). Nebraska Wesleyan discontinued membership in 2016 (Member from 1969-2016). In 2015-16 the GPAC added College of Saint Mary in Omaha, Nebraska, as a member. In 2018-19 the University of Jamestown in Jamestown, North Dakota, joined the league as the 12th member. Jamestown's membership ended with the 2023-24 school year. Waldorf University joins the league beginning in 2024-25.
The GPAC sponsors 22 intercollegiate sports - nine for women, ten for men, and cheer & dance as a co-ed offering and awards an All-Sports Trophy based on the final league standings and conference meet results at the end of each school year.
Since 2000 the GPAC has 38 NAIA team National Champions.
First and foremost, the GPAC remains committed to Academic and Athletic Excellence.
Corey Westra of Sioux City, Iowa, is the GPAC Commissioner and Lucas Mohrman of Columbus, Nebraska, is the GPAC Assistant Commissioner for Sports Information.
The GPAC has 38 NAIA National Champions
NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Northwestern
2001 – NAIA DII Men’s Basketball – Northwestern
2001 – NAIA Women’s Outdoor Track and Field – Doane
2002 – NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Hastings
2002 – NAIA Women’s Outdoor Track and Field – Doane
2003 – NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Hastings
2003 – NAIA DII Men’s Basketball – Northwestern
2004 – NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Morningside
2005 – NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Morningside
2006 – NAIA Wresting – Dana
2006 – NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Hastings
2006 – NAIA Football – Sioux Falls
2008 – NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Northwestern
2008 – NAIA Football – Sioux Falls
2009 – NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Morningside
2009 – NAIA Football – Sioux Falls
2010 – NAIA Men’s Soccer – Hastings
2010 -NAIA DII Women’s Basketball - Northwestern
2011 – NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Northwestern
2012 – NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Northwestern
2015 – NAIA DII Women’s Basketball – Morningside
2015- NAIA Men’s Track and Field – Concordia
2016 – NAIA Women’s Track and Field - Concordia
2016- NAIA Volleyball – Hastings
2016 – NAIA Men’s Soccer – Hastings
2017 – NAIA Dance – Midland
2018 - NAIA DII Women's Basketball - Dakota Wesleyan
2018 - NAIA Football - Morningside
2019- NAIA DII Women's Basketball - Concordia
2019 - NAIA Dance - Midland
2019- NAIA Football - Morningside
2021 - NAIA Men's Outdoor Track and Field - Doane
2021- NAIA Football - Morningside
2022 - NAIA Dance - Morningside
2022 - NAIA Football - Northwestern
2022 - NAIA Volleyball - Jamestown
2022 - NAIA Men's Cross Country - Dordt
2024 - NAIA Women's Basketball - Dordt
The GPAC has many individual NAIA National Champions in track and field as well as in wrestling.
The new conference name (GPAC) was selected from among dozens of entries from students in a contest conducted in the fall of 1999. Five students submitted the winning conference name and two of them - Miles Ruch of Doane and Northwestern's Brian Pike - were selected at random to receive $250 scholarships from the GPAC in recognition of their winning entries. The other three students who submitted "Great Plains Athletic Conference" for the new league name were Dana's Kevin Stull, Kim Walquist of Concordia, and Doane's Wayne Webster.
The Original GPAC Logo...
The original GPAC logo was designed by former league commissioner Paul Clark and was used from 2000-2015. The three stars in the GPAC logo symbolize the three states represented in the conference.
The New GPAC Logo...

A new GPAC logo was unveiled in the summer of 2015. The new logo was created by Mongoose Graphics from Denver, Colorado. To learn more about the new GPAC logo click here.
GPAC Conference Staff (2024-25)
GPAC Council of Presidents Chair - Greg Christy, Northwestern
GPAC President (FAR Chair) - Brent Royuk, Concordia
GPAC Chair of Steering Committee (Athletic Directors) - Devin Smith, Concordia
GPAC Commissioner- Corey Westra
GPAC Assistant Commisioner/Sports Information Director: Lucas Mohrman
GPAC Executive Committee: Greg Christy (Northwestern, Chair), Rich Lloyd (Hastings, Vice-Chair), Brent Royuk (Concordia, FAR), Dale Zevenbergen (Dordt, FAR), Jim Sykes (AD), and Corey Westra (ex-officio)
GPAC Treasurer- Mika Thorlakson, Jamestown
GPAC Eligibility Chair- Byron Noordewier, Northwestern
GPAC Eligibility Committee: Byron Noordewier (Northwestern - Chair), Alan Ferris (Mount Marty), Andrew Shim (College of Saint Mary), Dale Zevenbergen (Dordt), and Susanne Lubbers (Morningside)
GPAC Conduct and Ethics Committee- Andy Bernatow (Mount Marty, Chair), Rita Bristol (Midland), and Chris Clements (Hastings)
NAIA Council of Presidents Liaison- Erik Hoekstra, Dordt (GPAC Representative)
NAIA National Administrative Council Liasions -
Corey Westra, Commissioner (GPAC Representative) and Devin Smith (Concordia, At-Large)
NAIA Constitution and By-Laws Committee -
Corey Westra (At-Large, NAIA Parlementarian) and Byron Noordewier (Northwestern)
NAIA Conference Commissioners Association -
Corey Westra, Commissioner
NAIA National Eligibility Committee Member-
Byron Noordewier, Northwestern
GPAC Supervisor of Football Officials- Sean Johnston
GPAC Assigner of Volleyball Officials- Jean Ellis
GPAC Assigners of Soccer Officials- Jason Francois and Tyler Soyer (MISRA)
GPAC Supervisor of Basketball Officials - Brooks Wells (M) and Zac Brost (W)
GPAC Assigner of Softball Umpires- Jim Bewley
GPAC Assigner of Baseball Umpires- Sean Johnston
GPAC Sport Group Chairs
GPAC Football Coaches Chair- Steve Ryan, Morningside
GPAC Cross Country Coaches Chair- Scott Bahrke, Northwestern
GPAC Women's Soccer Coaches Chair- Nick Smith, Concordia
GPAC Golf Coaches Chairs- Myron Parsley (Doane, Men) and Ben Irlbeck (Briar Cliff, Women)
GPAC Women's Basketball Coaches Chair- Jason Christensen, Dakota Wesleyan
GPAC Men's Basketball Coaches Chair- Kris Korver, Northwestern
GPAC Baseball Coaches Chair- Brian Wede, Northwestern
GPAC Indoor and Outdoor Track Coaches Chair- Scott Bahrke, Northwestern
GPAC Tennis Coaches Chairs- Alex Struck, Morningside and Josh Sodorff, Hastings
GPAC Men's Wrestling Coaches Chair- Rik Dahl, Northwestern
To contact any of these individuals please call or e-mail:
Corey Westra, GPAC Commissioner
4728 Birch Way, Sioux City, Iowa, 51106
Phone/Cell: 712.226.4722
Home Page: www.gpacsports.com